We all know that the best results emerge from what we love doing. However, this formula could also work the other way around! Successful creations can bring so much joy and desire to create more and improve, engaging in our activity with vigor.
Perhaps many still remember the colorful and original bohemian cowls, hand warmers, mittens, and shawls under "Feuer und Wasser," that were widely shared on the Internet, featured in articles by the Living Felt Blog, Folt Bolt, Filtz Fun, Belle Armoire, the books "Textile around the World" and "United Colors of Felt"? About ten years ago, back when I did not teach as much, and my son was little (and I spent most of my time at home with him), I created my small line of accessories and called it "Feuer und Wasser" (two elements involved since the ancient days of felting). I still warmly recall those times, as creating small-sized pieces was incredibly satisfying in all regards, and rewarding too! Over a few years, I made hundreds of small works, never repeating the same design twice. Working on small-sized objects brings great joy since there is no limit to the imagination, and the results are quick. And, of course, my love for creating accessories helped me support my family during that period.
Essential moments in beautiful and desirable small felted garments involve design originality and its functionality. In all of the seeming simplicity of the production, nuances play a particular role here. How do you create a beanie that is comfortable, elastic, as well as soft? How do you make a cowl drape gracefully over your shoulders? Mittens or fingerless gloves that won't pill after the light wear and will preserve their shape? How do you make a soft, thin shawl that could at the same time look like a luxurious sheepskin without the excessive bulk and fluffiness? This is all included in the series of projects for the new online course.
The list of materials and supplies is on the Online Classes page of this website.
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